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How Creativity & Analytics Converge to Drive Better Marketing Results

For decades, agencies have spoken of “the creative” as their measurement of prowess and success. Fair enough. After all, creativity is the central tactic for breaking through, resonating and compelling consumers to act. It’s the “why we got in the business.” But in this digital age rich with data analytics where we can see so much, a discussion of creativity in marketing isn’t complete without considering its performance. Where those two come together is what marketers today should demand and agencies should be judged by: performance creative.

Performance creative is an approach to persuasive communications that merges the innovation and ingenuity of creativity with the measurable, predictive qualities of behavioral data to drive better program results. It’s a rational approach to making emotional connections.

At High Reason, we develop performance creative programs around three pillars:

1) Relevance & Proximity = insights-driven messaging and precisely targeted placement

2) Persuasion & Action = propositions, offers or calls to action, both verbal and visual, that drive the audience to do something measurable

3) Measurement & Optimization = analyzing results to pinpoint high performance and lesser performance and then optimizing the program around success indicators; the learnings from this analysis are ultimately applied to subsequent campaigns, so the optimization is continuous

As an example, our recent program for the regional economic development organization, JAXUSA Partnership, used our performance creative pillars to achieve success against the audience, site selectors who may influence corporate relocations and expansions.

Relevance & Proximity:
The digital media plan was built on three layers of targeting – behavioral, geographic and by industry – allowing for customization for each of several vertical industries and placement where the key target decision makers would be most likely to engage.

Persuasion & Action:
Our data showed that our targets were compelled by messaging about the state of Florida as an expansion market so the creative featured a strong visual locator for The Jacksonville Region. This association, combined with a CTA to reach a confidential representative to learn more or download an area industry overview, invited those who engaged into the business development funnel.

Measurement & Optimization:
Over the course of the campaign, placements and messages were refined to target the highest performing creative and channels.

At High Reason, we apply this kind of thinking every day and in every way. We’re passionate about creative, but our passion is rewarded when that creative performs.

Let’s set you on a path for even greater imagination, precision and measurable results for your next marketing endeavor.